Step Five: Consolidate your Documentation

The fifth and final step is to consolidate all your documentation. To help you compile your final documentation, we are providing these examples and checklist. Here are two examples of a complete package for a zone expansion (Los Angeles County) and a new designation (City of Hesperia).

  • The Los Angeles County RMDZ just went through the expansion process. The embedded link provides a good example of CEQA documentation for Zone expansion. This example contains the entire application package for an expansion, which includes application information, resolutions, initial study, forms, negative declaration, notice of determination, letters, and certificate of fee exemption along with the application information.
  • CalRecycle recently designated the City of Hesperia as a new RMDZ. This link shows a good example of CEQA documentation for Zone designation. This contains only the documentation associated with CEQA. These include the initial study checklist, notice of intent to adopt, negative declaration, resolutions, state clearinghouse letter, other letters, notice of completion, and notice of determination.

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